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Category Archives: GAME_1328

Video Game Design, 3rd Semester, CST

construction vehicle design done for class.

It’s some kind of black dirt. Probably a natural resource of some kind on that planet.

For class. the completed concept painting for the non-construction vehicle.

For class. Leading up to the finished painted of the concept vehicle.

Vehicle thumbnail sketches for class.

Two vehicle concept sketches for class.

Work in character placement, camera rotation, depth, variance, and more.


sketches for class


showing a story of sorts

AfroHog Pinata Thing

Collaboration with Logan in class

Done with sketching, silhouette, and variance

For class. A work in progress.

Six Character Silhouettes

Six Character Sketches


Done for class. Originally, I was just gonna do sketches of the characters that I had done the Silhouettes for, but then I realized that I just don’t give my other characters enough attention.

And yes, the stick figure character is indeed supposed to be a stick figure.