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Monthly Archives: July 2011


Progress on Final Project


Normals that will be used in my level. The first of of the character I intend to have sitting somewhere in the level. The second is of a shield that sits on a shelf. Third is the buildings walls, though still a work in progress, and the last is the basic texture of a bed mattress



Assignment for class to depict a castle/city/etc that is built on a mountain.

Not exactly a picture involving the sword by the same name, but rather the idea behind the assignment. A main character trying to claim a mystical item that may be impossible to get with three onlookers observing the event unfold.

Fun to do, but I still haven’t gotten down a workflow for painting like this.


For class. I actually ended up deviating from what was intended for the assignment, so that’s unfortunate, but I had fun approaching the pic with much less forgiving techniques.

An assignment for class. Not at all what I wanted. It was supposed to be a painting, but it intended only getting finished up to the major blocking and I didn’t get to add in actual tonal detail rather than the sketchy lines in the image.

I really tried to experiment with it and it kinda backfired on me.

This is the work I’ve completed so far for my final in my Video Game Art class.

The scene is of my character’s home, which is also his Pawnshop that he lives above. There is not very much in his pawnshop because he doesn’t actually intend to sell anything. The items on the shelves and display are either cheaply made or outfright fake altogether.

The character’s main occupation is that of a thief, so any good stuff he has is actually stored in cellar under the shop which you can see the tunnel that would lead to it in the first image.

It’s a very simple set-up, as I didn’t want him to have anything really fancy in his home.


Concept work for our market scene for class

construction vehicle design done for class.

It’s some kind of black dirt. Probably a natural resource of some kind on that planet.