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Monthly Archives: May 2011

a character idea for class

Created for class. Will be doing more with it and adding to him.

Peer comments are welcome.

five custome brushes

My brush designs

I came up with five different designs:


Peer comments are welcome.

As per our assignment to read chapter’s 1 & 2 of our book for Game Scripting, we needed to come up with a blog about what we took from each chapter.

I believe the main point for chapter 1 was to show the reader’s that while there are many possibilities for making a game, starting out we need to realize that we can’t make a huge game, especially on our own. Project’s such as FusionFall are a large collaborative effort and be understood as such.

We need to start smaller and create games that are both manageable for our skill level, yet not too simple that we gain nothing new from it.

As for chapter 2, the basic idea is the difference between the gameplay and shiny coat of paint that sits on top of that gameplay. Knowing the difference between the mechanic and the skin is definitely something that we should always remember.

I’m not exactly sure how I should say in detail what I think about this topic, but one thing I did take from it that when we make a game, if we peel away that skin, how similar is it to any other game if do the same with them?

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